Saturday, May 14, 2011

Finally, Rebuilding what we tore down.

You may notice i didnt put captions on these photos. This is because its 2am and I am lazy.

 A last bit of fiberglassing for the neck was necessary. Leaving out the part where i do another layer and sand it all smooth. By now we've seen it before.

The above photo shows:  Evercoat Rage Gold Filler. AWESOME stuff. And the mask and Helmet with the first layer of Evercoat on it Before sanding

 Dried and Partly Sanded, the mask with evercoat building up the neck.
Evercoat Dried and Sanded
You can see above that the first layer of evercoat is dried and sanded. The helmet was 'sunken in' on the 'left side when looking at the back' so there is a lot more filler on that side. there are also holes which i will address with another layer. 

More Evercoat Applied
Above more evercoat has been applied to the helmet to fill holes. Also applied to the mask to fix the sunken cheek (but NOT to make them symmetrical) and to fix the wrongly shaped nose.

Above one more round of Evercoat fixes..

Sanded, Washed, and Ready
Next step is to paint the whole helmet with self etching primer to see how far it is from ideal. Its now much closer than when i bought it but the final smoothness is still a ways off. Also I still have to put the 'Mohawk' back on. 

 The Mask Partly Sanded
Sanding the mask completely is quite a task. So here it is partly sanded. I am very happy with the way the neck has come out.
So much closer....

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