Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm not dead!

So I went on a trip to Virginia Tech for work for a week. Didn't get a lot done on Vader there!

Anyhow; Things that are left:

  • Finish Helmet
  • Codpiece
  • Various 'straps' and 'foam pads' to keep everything in place.
Today I am taking off work in honor of 'Sculpt Vader's New Teeth (slats) Day'

And THIS is in the mail to me. Should arrive monday:
Yep this is vader's Codpiece. Which means all i have left is 'cleanup' everywhere, and finishing the helmet.

Then of course at some point I will need help sewing pleats into the inner cloak/inner robe..

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Progress on Whole Costume

For the last week or so I have been busy with family life and getting ready for our Yard Sale, which is finally over, and we cleared out a lot of junk. This has kept me from doing MUCH sculpting on the helmet and mask, but I have made a bit of progress. Pictures are what keep this (hopefully) interesting, and lots of parts of my costume are in and just a few more are needed.

 Here are the 2 piece padded suit, gloves, boots, and Shin Guards on my home-made vader mannequin. All parts are placed on loosely and not 'cinched up tight'  The suit is really great, its from a maker in argentina and the upper chest and back are made of 'mesh' fabric for coolness/comfort. I am considering wearing a cooling vest under it during summer use. I got the suit made a bit large for me so i could fit a vest or some chest padding in there. The actor who played vader had a 54 inch chest i believe. I DON'T.
 Same shot as before but with the inner robe/surcoat on. As you can see it still needs pleats added, and to be hemmed. The mannequin height is probably different enough from my own that the hemming will wait until I can put the pieces on and have the length checked out.
 This pic is large because its where we can see everything really starting to come together. That inner robe definitely needs pleats (vertical fold lines sewn in) And the Codpiece is coming soon. Chest and belt boxes are premade and done for now, I may make improvements at a later date. Need to add a lightsaber hook to the belt.
 Here you can really see the progress. Its starting to look very much like Vader himself from Empire Strikes Back (Each movie has noticeable differences in the suit.. at least noticeable if you are BUILDING one.) The cape is just draped on there and not attached, as is the helmet. There are a lot of little 'attachment belts, clips, snaps, etc that need to go on before it's really 'Wearable'

See the shot below for details in the face so far. I will be gone for about a week then i should get going on the 'teeth' and finish up all the details in the face.

 Just really pleased with the progress here. Can't wait to finish up the sculpting and prepping for paint...
In this shot the boxes are actually lit. The chest box does a sequence of turning the lights on and off that mimics the film. The belt lights stay on all the time. That belt buckle is solid metal and finely machined and this is a good shot of it.

I can't wait to make some more progress!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Amy Schumer is Awesome

I'm taking a momentary break from the Darth Vader Helmet to post about how Shannon and I had an awesome time last weekend at the Virginia Beach Funny Bone Comedy Club. I have never been to a Comedy Club before so it was a real treat.
Heres a picture of Shannon for those of you who haven't seen her and cause my wife's pretty hot.
That's our lovely Daughter there with her. Shannon is kneeling, she's short but not that short!
Comedy Clubs 101

So we arrive and they ask if we'd like to sit up front. I assume they asked cause sometimes the comics pick on the people in front,  I didn't care.

THAT WAS NOT IT AT ALL. They stuck us SOOOO up front we were to the right side of the stage. We could still see the stage but it was an awkward spot at first. So they had the brick wall like all comedy clubs apparently do. See Demetri Martin picture for reference:  (note, we did not see Demetri martin at this time and the wall was 'real'.. As Real as a wall on a stage indoors can be.)

We showed up because I am a big fan of Amy Schumer. I first heard of her when i started watching 'A Different Spin' on Fuse (on cable) and she is the co-host to Mark Hoppus of Blink 182. The show changed name to 'Hoppus on Music' for the second season. I attribute this name change to a deep desire by the network to hide the show from my DVR.

Interruption: HEY FUSE!!! PUT FULL EPISODES OF HOPPUS ON MUSIC ONLINE! I GOT RID OF ALL BUT BASIC CABLE! (You can even put ads in, I will grudgingly sit through them.)

I have been a Blink fan since I moved back from San Diego. Apparently when I lived in San Diego it was not cool to be a blink fan cause they were local and had made it big and WE were judgemental kids who thought success = selling out. Turns out i was wrong and Blink music still makes me happy dance to this day!!!

Anyhow, So Amy Schumer. Awesome. I started looking up links to her comedy and stuff on the net and she was funny as hell. I had to see her live someday. Then all of a sudden i find out she will be in Virgnia Beach.

So off I drag my wife to the comedy Club. Turns out she had a ball too but the drinks were kinda watered down tasting.

Michael Malone also Rules

Before Amy comes on for a killer set, They have an announcer dude do a few jokes. Then THIS guy comes out and, to me, KILLS IT! Hilarious His name is Michael Malone and he is funny, has crazy hair that he combs straight up, and is kind of spastically energetic. I think he reminds me of a younger Jim Carrey because of the physicality of his comedy but I like him better than Jim Carrey as I have always thought something was OFF with Carrey! Malone was a refreshing surprise considering I didn't even know there would be an opening act!

Then Amy Schumer (Warning: do not click link if your eyes hurt from violently intense yellow!) comes out and does her awesome show and she rules as expected.

THe only thing that was lame was I did not realize that Michael and Amy would be selling CD's after the show and doing so THEMSELVES CASH ONLY.. so I didn't have any cash. I wanted an autograph. I am sure Amy Schumer is going to be famous as hell.

Over to the right is a picture Shannon took of Amy and Me: (Im the dorky one who is not going to be #%$%#!%#@ rich and famous)

You should buy her CD in real life if you can, and if not on iTunes, unless you are easily offended, in which case a Comedy Club is probably not something you should even be READING ABOUT.

Amy CD -

Buy Michael Malones while you are at it:

Michael CD -

Crazy Adventure Weirdo

Anyone who knows me knows I am spontaneous to the point of insanity. (Ask anyone from my wedding. I decided to go to Toys R Us 45 mins before it and buy a Gameboy!) I decided I wanted to go back and get CD's and autographs the next night to remember the show by. So hopped in my car and did it.

It's a short drive with no traffic at night when the tunnel isn't clogged and I got there early so I did some shopping then went to the comedy club exit in time to catch them to buy autographed CD's

I talked to Michael Malone for a few minutes while Amy was finishing up her set and he is a funny guy in real life as well as on stage. I enjoyed chatting with him. Then Amy came out and I got her signature too.

I didn't really look at the CD until i got to the car to leave and this is what it says. DAMN! I hope she meant ME. Shannon was not there.. and IS hot.. Not that it matters but Wow. I'm sure she signs them all like that. Whatever.. I'm just gonna go ahead and pretend Amy Schumer meant that about ME cause I want to and it doesn't matter anyhow. ;)

Sand, Putty, Sand, Putty, Sand.

So the Vader Helmet project has not been abandoned. It's just not very entertaining to look at right now. On the last update I had added the mohawk back. Now I am sanding and puttying repeatedly to keep things moving along.

Back soon with an update with pictures.